Locked Out of your Google Account? Fix the 2FA error in minutes

Hand holding a locked smartphone with a black screen, symbolizing the frustration of being locked out of your Google Workspace account due to 2-Step Verification issues.

Troubleshooting "Your sign-in settings don't meet your organization's 2-Step Verification policy" Error

This error means your account needs to have 2-Step Verification (2SV) enabled due to our organization's security policy. 2SV adds an extra layer of security to your account beyond your password.

How to Set Up 2SV:

  1. Access Security Settings:

  1. Enable 2-Step Verification:

  • Click on "2-Step Verification."

  • Follow the instructions to choose a verification method:

    • Authenticator app: (e.g., Google Authenticator, Authy) - Generates codes on your phone.

    • Text message (SMS): Google sends a code to your phone.

    • Backup codes: Print or save these codes for use if you lose access to your phone.

  1. Complete Setup:

  • Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the setup process for your chosen method.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Clear Cache/Cookies: If you encounter issues, clear your browser's cache and cookies, then try again.

  • Incognito Mode: Try setting up 2SV in incognito mode.

  • Different Browser: If problems persist, try using a different browser.


  • Backup Codes: Be sure to generate and save backup codes in a safe place. These are essential if you lose access to your phone or primary 2SV method.

  • Help Resources: For further assistance, refer to Google's official help article on 2-Step Verification.

If you continue to experience difficulties, please contact our IT support team for help.

Your Google Account Checklist


Anthony Mayer

Anthony is a digital strategy consultant who specialises in connecting people with cloud-based tools and web solutions.

He combines existing and emerging technologies with best practices, budget capacity, and human capability to help businesses and community groups innovate. Anthony is Founder of Online is Easy, based in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia.