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Locked Out of your Google Account? Fix the 2FA error in minutes

Troubleshooting "Your sign-in settings don't meet your organization's 2-Step Verification policy" Error

This error means your account needs to have 2-Step Verification (2SV) enabled due to our organization's security policy. 2SV adds an extra layer of security to your account beyond your password.

How to Set Up 2SV:

  1. Access Security Settings:

  1. Enable 2-Step Verification:

  • Click on "2-Step Verification."

  • Follow the instructions to choose a verification method:

    • Authenticator app: (e.g., Google Authenticator, Authy) - Generates codes on your phone.

    • Text message (SMS): Google sends a code to your phone.

    • Backup codes: Print or save these codes for use if you lose access to your phone.

  1. Complete Setup:

  • Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the setup process for your chosen method.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Clear Cache/Cookies: If you encounter issues, clear your browser's cache and cookies, then try again.

  • Incognito Mode: Try setting up 2SV in incognito mode.

  • Different Browser: If problems persist, try using a different browser.


  • Backup Codes: Be sure to generate and save backup codes in a safe place. These are essential if you lose access to your phone or primary 2SV method.

  • Help Resources: For further assistance, refer to Google's official help article on 2-Step Verification.

If you continue to experience difficulties, please contact our IT support team for help.

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